
The Creation of Helpmeet U
Becoming a Helpmeet Suitable has always been God’s original plan for women, according to Genesis 2:14 (AMPC). Unfortunately, I had no understanding of this revelation until my marriage and family was under demonic attack and my husband and I were at the brink of divorce.
During the years of warring for my husband and family, God revealed to me that if I understood who I was and what I was created to do, I would have been able to team up with Him to prevent a lot of the problems in my marriage. It was through this revelation, that becoming a Helpmeet is not something I should have learned when I got married, but it was His original plan for me.
God’s people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6 APMC), therefore Helpmeet U was created to assist others that are in a situation similar to mine, or preparing to be married, to learn, before their husbands find them. God wants His daughters to understand their place in His Kingdom. Becoming a Helpmeet Suitable is a mindset and heart posture that is pleasing and acceptable unto God.
About Yvette
Yvette Benton is the Helpmeet created by God for her King, Gerald Benton. Yvette operates in the 5-fold ministry gift of an Apostolic Teacher. As a retired school administrator with a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, a Master’s degree in Counseling and an Educational Specialist degree in Educational Leadership, she uses her experience and expertise in her ministry endeavors.
As the Mentor of the Helpmeet Army, she trains women in spiritual warfare, while emphasizing the power of being a submitted and strong Helpmeet.
She is the Chancellor of Helpmeet U, an online school for women of God to learn and live the life of a suitable Helpmeet, according to the Word of God.
She and her husband Pastor a growing online church community, Impart Ministries International. Their mission is to impart, train, activate and release Kingdom leaders to operate in their spiritual gifts while maintaining strong character and family values.
She and her husband, Gerald, have been married for over 22 years, with a blended family of 5 children. God has called them to a unique team ministry, using their personal testimony of multiple separations and marital struggles. Their transparency allows them to coach and teach others that God can and will heal relationships.
Their online broadcasts, resources, coaching, webinars and “relationship workouts” in the GYM (Gerald and Yvette Ministries) are used to share the journey they endured to understand, “Marriage Works, If You Work It!” They are also gifted in imparting and stirring the gifts of the spirit through prophetic and apostolic teaching and mentoring.
Yvette is the Author of Help for the Helpmeet book and workbook. Her book outlines the revelation, prayers and strategies used while her husband Gerald was a prodigal, bound by addictions, mental illness, and perversion.
Unconditional love, forgiveness and learning to become a Helpmeet Suitable eventually lead to Gerald’s fight for deliverance and the reconciliation of their marriage. She also authored 3 volumes of warfare prayer books, Helpmeet Prayers for Her King.