
Helpmeet Foundations:
Marriage, Ministry & Mindset

by Yvette Benton

Course Description: The strategies, scriptures, questions, assignments and tips in this book and accompanying course will sharpen your spiritual tools as you heal so you may become the suitable Helpmeet God intended for you to be.

•Help Has Arrived
•Are You Sanctified?
•Hope Again

by Yvette Benton

Course Description: Learn how and why to become the true, God ordained help you to the king you were created for…Be good help! 

Sanctified is a Helpmeet's Superpower

by Yvette Benton

“For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife…” , according to 1 Corinthians 7:14 {KJV}. Learn the biblical strategies and tools needed to deny your flesh and save your marriage.

Hope Again

by Yvette Benton

Hope in the midst of the storm of any season, as you grow and learn God’s intention for keeping you full of hope.

Receiving All Things God has for You!

by Yvette Benton

We all know the scripture from Matthew 6:33-34. Now, dive in deeper for the revelation of “seeking first” before “all things are added”.

Intimacy in Marriage is God’s Plan

by Yvette Benton

Gain understanding and revelation of the biblical assignment of helpmeets to uphold the Lord’s design of intimacy in marriage, through personal healing, spiritual warfare and Christ given authority.